
Fellows Launch Event (August 2017 Cohort)

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For more information about our 2017 Fellows Program and the August 2017 Cohort, please fill out the Contact Form by clicking here.

Among all postgraduate programs and professional resources, The Fellows Program stands out for its blend of faith and leading-edge instruction, for personal time with thought leaders and top authors, one-on-one executive guidance, and for peer exchange at the highest levels.

Halftime Fellows are preeminent leaders and influencers from across the global marketplace, men and women at the top of their fields wanting to make life-determining decisions in the context of faith and the company of their peers.

Fellows Program Features

1.  Peer collaborationHalftime Fellows are elite marketplace achievers poised to know and pursue God’s call for their second half of life. Given their love of Christ and a common desire for significance and surrender, peer relationships are one of the program’s chief benefits.

2.  “Head” and “heart” curriculaEach Fellow will design a personal spiritual growth plan, a mission statement and an action plan–this is the Heart Journey. The Head Journey, guides Fellows through concepts, readings, speakers, discussions, coaching and best practices. The paths come together in exposure to thought leaders and practitioners of leading-edge and global work in education, poverty, microfinance, orphan and widow care, healthcare & medicine, food & clean water, and social justice.

3.  Leading thinkers and practitioners. Jim Collins, Bob Buford, Ken Blanchard & Margie Blanchard and similarly renowned thinkers, speakers and influencers bring both newsmaking insights and rare personal interaction. As do leaders in faith-based organizations from all over the world such as Rich Stearns, Chris Crane, Peter Greer and many others.

4.  Coaching by a Halftime Certified CoachEach Fellow has both regular meetings and 24/7 access to our best, most seasoned Halftime coaches—a personal, one-on-one “head and heart” guide through the full year.

5.  Personal & Exclusive EventsThe Halftime Fellows year is a sequence of group meetings, events, and discussions; one-on-one coaching; a couples retreat; specialized webinars and teleconferences; readings and interaction with leading speakers and authors; and, as your ideas and decisions take shape, introductions and hands-on experience to help you explore your areas of interest.

For more information about our 2017 Fellows Program, please fill out the Contact Form by clicking here.

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