

An Economics Class with Jesus, Part 1

If we are going to figure out how to finish well, we have to decide what we truly believe about money and things. Thankfully, Jesus gave us a blueprint to follow, and I am here to tell you it works. Should we be surprised by that? His blueprint is also countercultural and pushes back hard against almost everything you and I see and hear every day about how much is enough. So, let’s check in to Matthew 6:24, where Jesus begins to lay out a beautiful and air tight

An Economics Class with Jesus, Part 12017-09-19T13:42:04-05:00

5 Key Elements of Finishing Well

At the Halftime Institute we care more about how you’re doing 30 years from now, than 30 months from now. A few years back we created a 2-day experience for business leaders around the topic of "finishing your life well." We did it for several years in partnership with Jim Collins, the author of books like Good to Great -- about great leaders and great companies. After more than 25 years studying how great leaders help companies become great, Jim is also interested in why many of those great

5 Key Elements of Finishing Well2017-09-13T14:30:56-05:00

Critical Must-Haves For A Successful Halftime Journey: Part Two

It would be safe to say that almost none of us ever starts out on a journey with no idea about where we are going. If we are not sure about the route, the destination is plugged into our GPS, and off we go. But what about our life destination, that long term perfect scenario that we dream about? Do we have the coordinates for that so that we not only arrive there someday, but know we are there when we get there? The truth is most of us

Critical Must-Haves For A Successful Halftime Journey: Part Two2017-08-25T10:36:18-05:00

Living With Your 80th Birthday In Mind

It’s your eightieth birthday and someone has taken you to your favorite restaurant. Stepping through the front door, you see the entire place has been rented out for the occasion. Across a large room you see some two hundred family members, friends, and business associates. The room has a stage and a microphone. After dinner, one by one, all of the guests—your spouse, your children, your neighbors, employees, associates—form a line to take the microphone and say to everyone what your life has meant. What do you hope to

Living With Your 80th Birthday In Mind2017-09-07T15:55:05-05:00

Three Critical Must-Haves for Successful Halftimers: Part One

Success in the halftime journey doesn’t just happen. It takes planning and persistence, and it has several elements that are critical to your success. Let’s zero in on three of them for the time being: A personal board of directors, a strong mission statement, and coaching.   Personal Board of Directors The first time I heard Bob Buford mention a personal board of directors, I thought to myself, “I’ve got that.” He was talking about a panel of trusted family, friends, and colleagues—people to speak truth into our lives.

Three Critical Must-Haves for Successful Halftimers: Part One2017-08-18T17:10:00-05:00

Advice to Leaders: Know Your Purpose And Help Those You Lead To Do The Same

In my new book, Trade Up: How to Move from Just Making Money to Making a Difference, that just published this month, I did something that made me more than a little uncomfortable. My Midwestern sensibilities and upbringing tell me not to talk about myself, but the truth is, I had to. I was sort of required to tell my story and I dutifully did so. I shared how as a young person I set out to make as much money as possible and by the time I was

Advice to Leaders: Know Your Purpose And Help Those You Lead To Do The Same2017-08-10T18:29:49-05:00

What is Your Success Costing You?

Everyone knows that to be successful we have to make some sacrifices. Great athletes spend a lot of time in the gym and doing roadwork and preparing both mentally and physically. Great musicians we admire write, perform, and practice endlessly to get it right. Business leaders educate themselves and work tirelessly to be their best. There is nothing wrong with all of this striving as long as it is all in line with what really matters most to us. But oftentimes, that is not the case. I meet

What is Your Success Costing You?2018-04-05T12:48:14-05:00

The Sanity of an Insane Choice

Somewhere along the way we mislabeled success. We put numbers on it and believed that those numbers are all of the variables that go into being successful. But what if the definition is broader than that? What if true success is about following your calling, using your gifts, and making a difference? Can you do all of that and find happiness, too? The truth is, true success and happiness are inseparable from each other. Think about it. If success and happiness were only about the numbers then everyone who

The Sanity of an Insane Choice2017-07-20T09:51:13-05:00
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