Deep, Rewarding Relationships In Your Second Half

(Free Download)

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Your free download of the “Finally Connected” e-book is on its way to your inbox. May it bring you new insights on how to pursue deeper, more rewarding relationships in your next season. 

Did you know that “Finally Connected” is just one of a 3-Part Halftime Relationships Trilogy? We’ll be sending you more information over the next few weeks on the other two books in the trilogy. Enjoy! 


The Halftime Institute is designed for leaders who have a desire to get clear on their calling and pursue eternal significance in their second half.

Through the Halftime Institute, you will find the freedom to:

  • Break free from the treadmill of busyness and discontent. 
  • Clarify your core abilities and passions.
  • Dream about the next season of your life.
  • Create a workable plan for investing your time and talent in your area of passion.
  • Design the ultimate context for your contributions.
  • Network with peers who will provide accountability and encouragement during your journey.

For more information on upcoming programs and events from the Halftime Institute, click here to fill out a form, and we’ll be in touch.