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“I put so much value on perseverance as a leadership trait because achieving breakthrough outcomes is not easy. In fact, giving up early when things are not going well is a constant temptation.”
Edgar Sandoval understands perseverance better than most. Arriving in the US from Venezuela when he was 18, he worked his way from Burger King cook to Proctor & Gamble executive, to now being the CEO of WorldVision. Join Rich Stearns as they discuss the relationship between surrender and perseverance, and how our humble steadfastness is ultimately glorifying God.
Tune in March 31st to hear from Halftime Alum and President of World Vision, Edgar Sandoval on the Lead Like it Matters to God Podcast.
You may also be interested to click below to learn more about Edgar’s halftime journey.
HT Alum and President Emeritus of World Vision, Rich Stearns, recently launched a podcast around his new book, Lead Like it Matters to God. This new podcast explores a critical leadership question:
How should Christian leaders live out their faith at work?
Over the course of his career, Rich Stearns has been a CEO of a toy company, a luxury goods company, and a large Christian ministry. You can hear more of his halftime story here.
On each episode, he’ll be talking with a seasoned Christian leader to explore their leadership journey, and they values and qualities they believe to be most important in a leader.