Paul’s first half career was filled with a variety of roles in marketing, sales and operations. He worked for a large, non-profit financial institution as well as a Fortune 250 company where he led the marketing efforts in one of their fastest growing divisions.
As he climbed the corporate ladder, God began tugging at his heart saying He had more for him than success, wealth and a corner office. This started an incredible journey for Paul filled with wild leaps of faith, incredible lessons in humility and a life-changing shift in his perspective.
Paul heard about the Halftime Institute through an alumnus and enrolled and began working with his coach. At first this led him to becoming a certified Halftime Coach to help other marketplace leaders discover their next calling, but he knew God had more for him. A few months later, the opportunity came to join the Halftime Institute team and lead their marketing efforts. This role plus his coaching was the final piece of his Halftime puzzle.
Paul and his wife Maryann have been married more than 25 years and have two grown kids, Drew and Jennica.
“It’s been amazing for me to see God use every single aspect of my first half journey to lead me to a second half of joy and impact. I now see the “why” behind many things that have happened in my life, and I thank God that He loves me enough to give me just a small glimpse into His plan, purpose and process.”
Title: The Passionate Pursuit of Purpose
Summary: We all desire to have purpose in our lives and when it’s all said and done, we hope that our lives will count for something. But finding something meaningful to sink ourselves into isn’t easy. Many times it leads to frustration and discontent. So how do people move forward as it relates to purpose and fulfillment in their lives? What would it look like to live a life of joy, impact and balance? Paul walks the audience through his story of spiritual struggle and blind obedience. Hear him share key principles he learned and applied during his journey in order to find a clear purpose for his life.
Title: Living a Legacy: Finishing Well with No Regrets
Summary: Many people reach mid-life and begin thinking about significance – not just success. They want to not only leave a legacy, but live a legacy. Many of these thoughts are triggered by life events – tragedy, loss of relationship(s), major career event, etc. – but no matter what it is, it creates reflection, confusion, excitement, angst, and a whole host of other emotions. In the Halftime Institute’s work with successful leaders over the last twenty years, we’ve discovered common themes to those who embrace this season of life and “finish well.” This 45-minute presentation is a mixture of teaching, storytelling, video, individual exercises and group discussion. It will challenge the audience to think beyond themselves to the possible impact their second half of life could have.
Title: The Problem with Busyness: Affecting Our Most Important Responsibility
Summary: Busyness is very dangerous. It destroys our joy, derails our ability to hear from God and cripples our capacity to love and be generous to others. Yet it is culturally acceptable and even touted among our friends. By recognizing the power of busyness and understanding its impact on every aspect of our lives, we can create a plan to unclutter our lives and take care of what is most important in our lives.
Checkout Paul’s Podcasts:
God Said Go So I Did – Eternal Leadership
When You Feel Restless in Your Career – Entrepreneur on Purpose
Watch a Video of Paul Speaking