This episode is part of our special webinar series on Using Your Platform For Good In Crisis.

If you are the parent of a Young Adult (18-35), or have a parent-like relationship with a Young Adult, you can likely relate to the challenges and opportunities for connecting with them as your role shifts from “authority” to “guide”.

During this disruptive season, many Young Adults are wrestling with the first large-scale crisis of their adult lives. This gives Halftimers a unique opportunity to provide wisdom, perspective, and guidance – but how do we start that conversation?

 After leaving a senior banking career, Halftime Alum David W. Miller, PhD set out to teach Young Adults who were pursuing professional careers, and to advise C-Suite leaders how to think about integrating faith and work. First at Yale and now Princeton University, David has spent the last 17 years working with students much like the Young Adults in your life. He’s become an expert at having free-ranging conversations with young men and women about faith and how it should impact their leadership in business and beyond. 

 In this 30-minute webinar David shared with us:

  • How the best educational environments shape Young Adults’ worldviews (for better or worse!)
  • What he has learned about engaging Young Adults in deep, meaningful faith conversations
  • PLUS a few recommendations for engaging with the Young Adults in your life, particularly during this season of disruption


CLICK HERE to view the webinar recording and notes.