
Abiding in the Between

A Devotion written by Halftime Alumna, Carrie Park: What if God asks you to do something that defies all logic and common sense? What if, while in a season of life where there are choppy waters tossing you around, leaving you frightened and exhausted, God calls you to step out in faith and walk towards Him to an unknown place? What would win out -- faith or fear? In Matthew 14, we learn how Peter was faced with the same questions. As

Abiding in the Between2022-05-10T13:42:44-05:00

Q&A: The Heart Journey

An Interview with Halftime Alum, Jacob Coldwell, Certified Life Coach and Author: A journey – this is what the process of finding and living out our unique calling is – not a singular event or one-time decision, but a journey. At Halftime, we’ve found that there are two important tracks to this journey: The Head Journey The Head Journey involves thinking through who you are at the Core. This includes your strengths and passions and how

Q&A: The Heart Journey2022-03-23T15:11:50-05:00

The Cohort Concept

Cohort (noun): A community of like-minded peers who are tackling real challenges, encouraging each other with sound wisdom, and seeking to live with purpose no matter the circumstances. At Halftime, we have found that there is power in connecting with others who are on a similar journey. The Cohort is an integral component of the Fellows Program. Each Fellow belongs to a Cohort, which connects them with a tight-knit

The Cohort Concept2022-05-10T13:34:43-05:00

Setting Your Target for Transformation (Part 2)

In the previous article, we defined the term ‘trigger for transformation’: the unanticipated challenges that serve as inciting incidents, setting our stories in motion. These times of transition often catalyze us to embark on a journey toward greater impact. However, this journey can feel aimless or overwhelming if we don’t have a clear vision of where we are headed. Instead, we each need a target for transformation which we direct our energy and efforts toward. Habit 2 from Stephen R.

Setting Your Target for Transformation (Part 2)2022-05-10T13:37:06-05:00

Identifying Your Trigger for Transformation

We all recognize the “inciting incidents” from the stories we love -- the moment in any book or movie where the protagonist is thrust into action and the story’s plot is set into place. Often entirely outside of their control, the main characters face a sudden challenge that requires them to accept and respond to what author, Joseph Campbell, referred to as the ‘call to adventure’. From Dorothy being swept away by a tornado in The Wizard of Oz to

Identifying Your Trigger for Transformation2022-05-10T13:38:10-05:00

Q&A: Transformative Influence

An Interview with Walt Rakowich, Author of Transfluence and Halftime Alum: Leaders confronting the current social and economic challenges could learn a lot from a CEO who survived the Great Recession of 2008 by transforming his company’s culture. Halftime alum Walt Rakowich is that CEO, and the lessons from his story are greatly applicable today. Walt was appointed CEO of global real estate company Prologis at the height of the Great Recession of 2008. At the time of his appointment, the company's stock had

Q&A: Transformative Influence2022-05-10T13:41:34-05:00
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