

Abiding in the Between

A Devotion written by Halftime Alumna, Carrie Park: What if God asks you to do something that defies all logic and common sense? What if, while in a season of life where there are choppy waters tossing you around, leaving you frightened and exhausted, God calls you to step out in faith and walk towards Him to an unknown place? What would win out -- faith or fear? In Matthew 14, we learn how Peter was faced with the same questions. As

Abiding in the Between2022-05-10T13:42:44-05:00

Q&A: The Heart Journey

An Interview with Halftime Alum, Jacob Coldwell, Certified Life Coach and Author: A journey – this is what the process of finding and living out our unique calling is – not a singular event or one-time decision, but a journey. At Halftime, we’ve found that there are two important tracks to this journey: The Head Journey The Head Journey involves thinking through who you are at the Core. This includes your strengths and passions and how

Q&A: The Heart Journey2022-03-23T15:11:50-05:00

Your Best Next Season Role: 5 Essential Questions

A systematic way to creatively design your second half serving context Once you know what your calling is, how do you design the best way to live it out? Gal 6:1-5 in the Message translation says: “Live creatively, friends, make a careful exploration of who you are and the work you have been given, and then sink yourself into that. Don’t be impressed with yourself. Don’t compare yourself with others. Each of you must take responsibility for doing the creative best you can with your own life.” I

Your Best Next Season Role: 5 Essential Questions2019-08-06T13:12:29-05:00

Re-Defining My Role in the Marketplace

By Matt Levy, Halftime Alum There’s been a lot written about finding our purpose in life. While our purpose may be fixed throughout our time here on earth, how it plays out as we move along can change. At least that’s how it has worked for me. Thankfully I have found my purpose, and that drives me every day to live it out and to be intentional in doing so. Living Out My Faith in the Business Sector At my core, I think I have always been an entrepreneur.

Re-Defining My Role in the Marketplace2018-10-15T11:29:19-05:00


HEAR FROM REAL HALFTIME FELLOWS... ...He's an investment banker specializing in M&A negotiations ...He's Global VP at Proctor & Gamble... ...She's a C-Suite Executive in a Fortune 500 company... ...He's Pharmaceutical Exec... ABOUT WHAT QUESTIONS THEY WANTED TO SOLVE FOR...  "I felt unsettled about different aspects of my life" "What is next? How do I prepare for the next 20 years?" "What has God prepared me to do in my next season?" AND WHAT TRANSFORMED IN THEIR LIVES AS A RESULT OF THEIR FELLOWS EXPERIENCE! 


Key Metrics for Thriving Relationships

Metrics and relationships seem like oil and water, don’t they? The very idea of using metrics in a relationship seems at first glance a little cold and calculating. And yet the truth is we measure our relationships all the time: How we feel a friend or spouse responded to a comment we made over dinner out last night; or, they don't reach out to me as often as I reach out to them, etc. These are all measurements. And, they help us calibrate and manage our friendships. In our

Key Metrics for Thriving Relationships2018-02-28T11:43:59-06:00

Battling Busyness: How to Align Your Daily Priorities with Your Lifelong Values

We all have deeply held things we believe in that are in our DNA. For the most part, you and I know what’s right for us, but acting upon it on a daily basis can be challenging. Distractions are a big part of the problem and there are a lot of those today, aren’t there? I heard recently that if you are a knowledge worker you are interrupted every 11 minutes on average by some form of communication. I would guess that number is not far off the mark

Battling Busyness: How to Align Your Daily Priorities with Your Lifelong Values2017-09-06T16:47:27-05:00

How to Cultivate a More Joyful Life

Margin in our calendars means having or creating extra time in our lives to do something other than the things we are currently doing. The problem is that most people think that creating margin is a matter of time management and delegation strategies. Although some of that may be required in our journey toward joy, the real challenge lies deeper in our hearts. The problem with an efficiency paradigm toward margin is that while it helps us do what we are already doing faster, it is not helping us

How to Cultivate a More Joyful Life2017-09-19T13:58:00-05:00

How To Have A More Focused Life

After more than a dozen years of coaching people through the Halftime Institute, I see a trend, an obvious and recurring barrier to a life of joy, impact and balance: a lack of focus. The truth is, we all struggle with focus on a daily basis. It’s not a stretch to say that there are more available distractions in our lives now than ever. Did you know that the average knowledge worker in the U.S. is interrupted every 11 minutes by some form of communication or another? In this

How To Have A More Focused Life2017-09-12T10:30:56-05:00

Critical Must-Haves For A Successful Halftime Journey: Part Two

It would be safe to say that almost none of us ever starts out on a journey with no idea about where we are going. If we are not sure about the route, the destination is plugged into our GPS, and off we go. But what about our life destination, that long term perfect scenario that we dream about? Do we have the coordinates for that so that we not only arrive there someday, but know we are there when we get there? The truth is most of us

Critical Must-Haves For A Successful Halftime Journey: Part Two2017-08-25T10:36:18-05:00
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