Are you a Friend of Halftime?
Leaders like you shape the future. At Halftime, God’s called us to a global work and it can’t happen without you.
Friends of Halftime
Friends of Halftime is a community of trusted donors and advocates of the work God is doing around the world through Halftime. Through our various programs including Fellows, 100X, Engage, and Women @ Halftime, countless individuals are embracing the life of purpose, impact, joy, and fellowship they were created for.
As a Friend of Halftime, you help to empower individuals and stories like these:
Generation Distinct who is equipping young adults to discover the wrong they were born to make right. Project Embrace serving babies and families in the active war zone in the Middle East. Switch increasing economic growth and social inclusion for disadvantaged youth in the US & Mexico. Impact Africa where local visionary leaders are rethinking poverty and making a lasting impact.
More stories like these are unfolding around the world every day as a result of Halftime’s global reach and impact. Will you help us expand this Kingdom work as a Friend of Halftime?