We need people around us to finish well.
The people we surround ourselves with and the books we read shape who we become. So, have you considered these questions as you’ve pursued your next season of impact?
- Who are the people you need around you on this journey to finish well?
- Who are the people you love the most and how can you help them thrive on this journey? How can you include them in your exploration now?
You’ve heard the African expression, “If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together.”
This is the idea of your Tribe – those you love the most whom you want to include in the journey, and those you need around you to finish well. Family, friends, personal board, serving partners and talented team members. . .this is your Tribe! And who you build it with matters.
CLICK HERE to watch or listen to the recording of our conversation.
CLICK HERE to download the Building My Tribe roadmap resource.
“And since no man is an island, since we all depend on one another, I cannot work out God’s will in my own life unless I also consciously help other men to work out His will in theirs. His will, then, is our sanctification, our transformation in Christ, our deeper and fuller integration with other men. And this integration results not in the absorption and disappearance of our own personality, but in its affirmation and its perfection.”
During our latest webinar, Lloyd Reeb, Halftime Founding Partner, and HT Alum, Doug Piper, discussed strategies for engaging the Tribe you need in your next season and building a network that will enable you to finish well. Here’s what they shared…
Focus on the people before the purpose.
Most often, when we think about the Halftime Journey, we think about our own purpose. “What will I DO with my next season that will bring more meaning, joy and balance?” Naturally, when one season of your life seems to be coming to an end, we want answers about what’s next. The “what will I DO?” question. But equally important is the question of “WHO” rather than “DO”.
If life is really not about me, if it’s less about what I get and more about what I give, then it makes sense that I would begin by putting the interests, desires and needs of my family and friends first. Charity begins at home.
Anyone committed to finishing well will tell you that relationships usually bring more joy to folks in their next season than simply more accomplishments. Sticking with your calling over the long run is tough – you need a tribe around you to finish well. They will be an essential element of your impact. In addition, as you help others think through their calling and the big issues of their next season, you gain clarity yourself.
Define Your Tribe.
This is the process of mapping out the key relationships in your life. Who are you already in community with whom you are going to prioritize? This could include your spouse, kids, parents, siblings, close friends, and perhaps a mentor or Personal Board of Directors.
What relationships need to come to a necessary ending? Are there people who you know are holding you back or having a negative impact on your life? There are always necessary endings with the beginning of a new season.
Who do you think you will need around you to help you live out your mission? Consider including work/ministry partners, industry thought leaders, people passionate about the same cause, and those you will serve in your Tribe.
Get Practical.
The following 5 steps are best practices for engaging with the members of your personal Tribe for maximized impact:
- Write their names down.
- Put them on your calendar.
- Work at understanding them – their personality, needs and desires.
- Offer to help them – Bob Buford ended calls with “What is the most meaningful thing I can do to be useful to you?”
- Share your own dreams and plans and ask for their input.
“Smart people need a safe space among peers to think their confusion out loud.”
At Halftime we believe there is leverage in living out our callings together.
Our Fellows Program is designed to harness the power of being connected to a community of peers to encourage, support, and partner with along the way.
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