Our lives have many seasons of transition, but after you shift into halftime, perhaps one of the most important transitions involves your role within your family.

What is our role when our kids are no longer living at home, and yet we still want to help the family thrive?

Intuitively, we sense that our role is transitioning from coach to consultant, but what do we stop doing? And what should we prepare to start doing?

Lloyd and Doug will be joined by fellow HT Alum, Steve Seifert, who has led JH Everlasting Adventures for the past four years after his Halftime transition from Edward Jones. He fell in love with JH Ranch when he took his son and daughter there for life-changing weeks – deepening their relationship with each other and with God.

More than 40,000 moms and dads have had a similar experience over the past 40 years.

Many executive parents who came to JH Ranch with teenagers during those intense years were peaking in their careers while their teens’ lives were in turmoil. Now they are musing about ways to support their adult kids with hopes of helping them avoid a similar outcome.

Imagine having visibility into a cross section of scores of people who have made this transition in a thoughtful way.

In this brief webinar, you will hear proven models from Steve’s broad base of case studies that can help shape a new vision for the empty nester.

CLICK HERE to watch or listen to the recording of our conversation.

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During our time, Steve and Lloyd shared that our role as parents shifts from caretaker to cop to coach and finally, to consultant.

Here are 10 parenting principles to keep in mind:

1. Join them on their journey, don’t judge their journey.

2. Invite them to leverage you as a resource.

3. Have conversations, set expectations.

4. Be aligned with your spouse.

5. Support them, regardless of their journey.

6. Be careful not to push (push too hard and you may push them away).

7. Love them where they are at, as Jesus love us.

8. Ask them questions, seek their counsel.

9. Continue to live your own lives, grow your marriage.

10. Pray for them, entrust them to God. 

Ready to put these principles into practice? Check out this resource as you begin to plan what it will look like to lead your family in the season ahead. Consider best practices for launching your adult children, navigating differences, and perhaps gathering to get aligned on your family vision and values. Design a toolbox to draw upon and be sure to learn about your loved ones’ strengths.

You don’t have to go it alone. Join Lloyd and Linda Reeb for a Halftime retreat at Scott River Lodge or attend a Dream Together Experience at our Dallas office for further equipping around this topic. 

At Halftime, our programs bring greater impact, purpose, and joy for the whole family. 

Getting connected with a group of like-minded peers and a Halftime Certified™ Coach to create a custom, holistic plan for your family’s next season of life could be a great next step.

It is our privilege to walk with leaders like Steve as they navigate all the ups and downs that come with pursuing leveraged impact and thriving relationships. How could our support system best come alongside you?


Steve Seifert and his wife, Diana, have been married 32 years and live in Naples, Florida. They have two adult children, Michael (married to Sarah Gabel) and Katie. Steve currently serves as the Generosity & Stewardship Director for JH Everlasting Adventures based in Birmingham, Alabama.

Previously, he was a General Principal with Edward Jones, one of the largest full-service investment firms in the United States. During his 28-year tenure he held numerous senior leadership positions, and was actively involved in various industry organizations. Steve holds a BS in Finance from Millikin University in Decatur, IL. and is a graduate of the Kellogg Management Institute at Northwestern University in Evanston, IL.

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The Halftime Institute is the leading authority on creating a next season defined by joy, impact, and balance. For more than 20 years, we’ve served thousands of men and women from varied backgrounds. The concept of ‘halftime’ was born out of the best-selling book, Halftime: Moving from Success to Significance, written by Bob Buford. Following the popularity and resonance of his book, Bob founded the Halftime Institute in order to provide a hands-on process and community for growth, support, and learning for people walking through their own season of ‘halftime’. Since then, the Institute has expanded to include world-class Coaches, Staff, and Resources – equipping leaders all over the globe. Interested in gaining clarity for your next season? Fill out the contact form below!